ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Aug 11, 2013 23:55
insert your own subtext here, *decomposition beauty, dimples, gigglesnort, !ruki, action shot, ^live, !kai, adorkable, dead animal chic, flesh for fantasy, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Apr 01, 2013 18:28
pimp daddy, we is badass, visible piercings, suits you sir, !ruki, permanent sunnies, glove fetish, dead animal chic, ^promo work, *peace & smile, !with other
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Mar 21, 2013 17:51
suits you sir, thighlicious, invisible masculinity, creeptastic, !ruki, !reita, just look at those arms!, too awesome for words, pimp daddy, huh wut?, !uruha, pout like you mean it, blingtastic, !aoi, mad hatter, !kai, frillseekers, bondage-style, accessory overload, dead animal chic, pretty vacant, ^promo work, *cockroach
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Mar 09, 2013 22:39
what is that on your head?, pout like you mean it, *filth in the beauty, frillseekers, !band, accessory overload, dead animal chic, ^promo work, pretty vacant, crotch bling, just look at those arms!, mean 'n' moody
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Mar 06, 2013 19:47
invisible masculinity, shiny, *leech, pout like you mean it, !uruha, frillseekers, accessory overload, dead animal chic, ^promo work, !reita, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Feb 24, 2013 09:39
insert your own subtext here, cheeky, fanservice ftw!, thighlicious, !uruha, *nameless liberty six bullets, action shot, !aoi, ^live, tight pants are tight, frillseekers, dead animal chic, !geetar boiz
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Feb 12, 2013 22:40
pimp daddy, suits you sir, *toxic, shiny, !ruki, pout like you mean it, blingtastic, dead animal chic, pretty vacant, ^promo work, artistic
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jan 14, 2013 22:16
accessory overload, dead animal chic, ^promo work, *cockroach, !reita, just look at those arms!
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Jan 13, 2013 20:16
b&w, pout like you mean it, !kai, ^promo work, dead animal chic, *abyss-lucy, come to the dark side, artistic
ldybastet wrote in gazepic_a_day Dec 09, 2012 19:23
pimp daddy, invisible masculinity, shiny, pout like you mean it, tight pants are tight, frillseekers, !band, glove fetish, dead animal chic, pretty vacant, ^promo work, flesh for fantasy, *shiver, mean 'n' moody